Tips on Preparing for your Tattoo Appointment

Getting a tattoo is an exciting experience, but a little preparation can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable appointment. Whether it’s your first tattoo or you’re adding to your collection, taking the right steps can help reduce discomfort, improve the healing process, and ensure the best results.

Here are some essential tips to help you prepare for your tattoo appointment, so you can feel confident and ready when you sit in our chair.

Hydrate yourself

Drink lots of water for 24 hours before your tattoo and avoid dehydration. Hydrated skin will take the ink easier.

Avoid thinning your blood

You should avoid alcohol and aspirin for 24 hours before getting a tattoo.

Wear comfortable clothes

Wear loose, dark clothing which allows the tattoo artist easy access to the area.

* Note: The Ink Parlour is a scent free studio, thank you for your understanding!

Eat before your appointment

Eat a solid meal before your appointment. Eating a meal high in protein instead of sugar will sustain you longer. If you have a long appointment, bring a snack, such as a granola bar and fruit juice.

Prepare your skin

Moisturize with your normal moisturizer for a week beforehand. Avoid getting a sunburn. Do not shave! Your tattoo artist will shave the area before the tattoo to assure that any irritation/infection does not interfere with the tattoo process.

Prepare for aftercare

Stay out of the water and keep your tattoo out of the sun for several weeks.
Your tattoo artist will give you additional aftercare instructions; when to remove any bandages, when to clean it, what to clean it with, and what to look for to make sure it is healing correctly. Tattoo-specific aftercare products are available for purchase.